If you have ever dreamed about freediving under ice  or wanted to find the restful peace under water, the best place for you would be the “Päijänne on the Rocks” ice diving event in Lake District in Finland.

This traditional winter fun event is organized yearly in march in the Lake Paijanne, Region of Asikkala, Finland. The Lake Päijänne has drinkable water and the tranquility under the ice will be amazing, as always. Welcome freedivers around the world to see this wonderful under ice world enjoy freediving under ice!


“Paijanne on the Rocks” is more than just a freediving under ice event! See all the events you can do! 


Diving in drinkable water quality


Diving in one of the clearest lakes


Explore the depth in ice cold water


Show your skills in ice cold water


During the event you will be accommodated in the cottages of the luxury resort “Lehmonkärki”. However, the term “cottage” in Finland does not stand for a small emergency shelter or the like, but for a fully equipped house, built of wood, but standing in the forest.

The Surroundings

The Lake Päijänne is not only the namesake of the national park, but also shapes the national park in an impressive way. Its crystal clear water serves as a source of drinking water all the way to Helsinki. Päijänne is the second largest lake in Finland. This area, which consists of many small islands, was formed during the last ice age. Most of the islands in the national park are actually inhabited, the Finns love to live in the seclusion of nature.

In summer, the whole national park is a great place for kayaking, canoeing or boating, and in winter, snowshoeing and SkiDoo excursions are organized. The website of the national park offers a lot of interesting information about this, and it is multilingual!

For the curious among you: here you can download the PDF brochure of the national park and always have it with you!

Client Testimonials

Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

The first time I attended Päijänne on the Rocks, I didn’t know what to expect. Would it be safe? Could I do it? Would I enjoy it? It turned out to be one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in diving. Sharing a sauna with like-minded adventurers after an ice dive, exploring the frozen landscape by snowmobile, and challenging myself to swim under the ice were experiences I won’t forget. I highly recommend this event to others. Especially if you want to try one of the most unique adventures on the planet.

Ant Williams

This event allowed me to discover a very different aspect from the one I am used to practice in freediving. Beyond the extreme aspect of climatic conditions, we are confronted with our own physical and psychological limitations, but always in a secure setting. The experience goes beyond physical and athletic performance: here, the word «record» does not exist. It is an immersion in an environment where the cold becomes secondary after the magic of light under the ice and the calm and silence that one feels. Although each dive is a personal adventure, I was also able to meet freedivers of all backgrounds and levels (from beginner to World Champion) in a friendly environment.

Eric Mennecart

I have been many times to this unique event from the first editions to some of the last ones. Antero and the organization team of the event offer the best conditions to discover the magic of Freediving under the ice with safety and happiness. The event is not only a Freediving experience but a real dive into the Finnish culture with its saunas, food, and harmony with nature.

Guillaume Nery

Päijänne on the Rocks tapahtuma on ollut minulle ikimuistoinen kokemus ja olen iloinen, että olen saanut olla mukana vuoden 2019 tapahtumassa. Tapahtuma kerää osallistujia ympäri maailmaa ja parasta tässä tapahtumassa oli minulle mahtavien ja samanhenkisten vapaasukeltajien kohtaamiset sekä erittäin mielenkiintoiset keskustelut. Positiivisena mieleen jäi myös yhteinen illallinen mielenkiintoisine esityksineen, jotka pitivät sisällään mm. Juhani Väihkösen esityksen hänen tarinastaan ja vedenalaisesta valokuvauksesta. Jos sinä haluat tutustua ja luoda kontakteja muihin myös kansainvälisiin vapaasukeltajiin sekä päästä kokemaan vapaasukelluksen tunnelman jään alla mahtavissa Lehmonkärjen puitteissa on tämä tapahtuma sinua varten!

Kristian Mäki-Jussila

Olen osallistunut POTR-tapahtumaan useita kertoja. Rebe-sukeltajana kamera kädessä olen tuntenut itseni erityisen kömpelöksi katsoessani vapaasukeltajien sulavaa ja vaivatonta liikkumista jään alla. No, kuvia olen toki saanut. Jo traditioksi muodostunut POTR on kaikin puolin laadukas tapahtuma, joka kerää vapaasukeltajia ulkomaita myöten, mukaan lukien vapaasukelluksen tunnetuimpia nimiä.

Pekka Tuuri

Ice diving is a great way to explore the beauty of Nature of your own true nature. Coming together with other likeminded people and share days of fun and freediving is a bliss for the body and soul. Everyone can participate – each at their own level and comfort. Safety is always Top Priority and Antero and his team always do an amazing job. For freedivers (and even scubadivers) this is a fantastic way to spend some days under the beauty of a lake covered with ice.

Stig Severinsen

The Team

Antero Joki


Dr. Maria Joki

Medical Support

Juhani Vaihkonen

Media Specialist

Gunnar Sieg

Online Director

Book your Ice Diving Ticket now!


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